At Health Center South, we are proud to offer unique access to unparalleled patient care across a variety of practice specialties.  In addition to a wide array of amenities and state-of-the-art facilities, physicians have access to our on-site surgery center, allowing them to offer better patient experience, as well as increase practice revenue and experience time freedom and flexibility that is unmatched.

On-Site Surgery is a Step in the Right Direction

Hospitals were virtually the only option available for performing surgery forty years ago.  Since the early years of outpatient surgery, beginning in 1970, this model has continued to prove beneficial for patients and service providers alike.

On-site surgery facilities allow practices to offer their patients with the highest level of care and convenience. A few patient benefits include:

  • Safe and high quality alternative to inpatient hospital care for surgical services
  • Cost-effective option that saves patients money when compared to traditional, hospital-based surgery
  • Ease of scheduling
  • 92% satisfaction rate with both the care and service received

Utilizing an On-Site Surgery Center: A Win for Physicians, Too

Patients are not the only ones who benefit from on-site surgery. Physicians are experiencing the positive impact, as well.

By scheduling procedures using a surgery center (specifically an on-site option like Surgery Center South, with access offered to all Health Center South practices), physicians gain increased control and autonomy in their surgical practice.  They also enjoy:

How Our Facilities at Health Center South Set Up Physicians for Success

Our world-class outpatient surgical facility is home to 12 cutting-edge, fully equipped operating rooms, 2 procedure rooms, and space for additional operating suites. Physicians are able to see patients in their customized practice space and perform surgeries the same day.

For more information on how you can experience the benefits of increased practice revenue, scheduling flexibility, and higher professional autonomy at Health Center South, click here.